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5 Ways to Ace Your Turkey Welfare Audit

5 Ways to Ace Your Turkey Welfare Audit

Okay, okay, so you can’t actually “ace” an animal welfare audit, but it’s always nice when your certifier sends you an audit report saying that you’re in compliance with every standard, right?

Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) knows that audits can be stressful – especially preparing for one! That’s why G.A.P. has made a point to support our turkey producers with materials and guidance to help them be prepared before the auditor arrives on their farm.

Here are some handy tips to help you get ready:

  1. Complete the Turkey Audit Prep Tool to see if you are meeting the standards. This is a simple checklist to help you identify where you may have issues with standards compliance. It’s broken down by Step-level, so you can jump to the one you are aiming for without having to sift through the others. For instance, if you are aiming for a Step 2, do you know exactly how many enrichments you need in your barns?
  2. Work with your certifier. If you think you might be out of compliance while using the Turkey Audit Prep Tool, contact your certifier for additional help. They have a thorough understanding of the standards, and will be able to tell you exactly what their auditor will be looking for.
  3. Review the Records and Documents Checklist to make sure your paperwork is ready. This checklist can be found in the last section of the Turkey Audit Prep Tool. Throughout the Turkey Standards, several types of management paperwork are required. From lameness evaluations to a biosecurity plan, this quick and easy checklist will let you know every document you’ll need to have ready for your auditor.
  4. Download any missing record templates from the G.A.P. website. If this is your first time being audited, you might find that you are missing a certain type of record while reviewing the Records and Documents Checklist, such as daily air quality assessments or lameness records. No need to worry – we’ve got you covered there too! Simply visit the Turkey page of the G.A.P. website, download a template for the record you are missing, and have a copy ready to show your auditor.
  5. Make sure you have everything in order before scheduling the audit. There is nothing more stressful than having a deadline. If you need to add more enrichments or hunt down a misplaced poult delivery slip, give yourself time to do those things.

Once you’ve gone through this process, you can call up your certifier, schedule the onsite visit, and be confident that you are ready “ace” (well, you know what we mean) your audit!